Making Progress, and moving forward...
I know those seem like the same but they have to do with 2 separate things for me right now. First, making progress means that today, I've filled the majority of the "big ticket items" in the first 9 chapters of my book. I "put it down" - this novel writing - for about a week to let my mind wrap around a few ideas before I set them in stone. This first novel (whether it ever gets published or not) is a mystery and I have to make sure I don't have too little or too many clues involved - and I also have to make sure ALL my characters are believable with the right amount of flaws in each one. They have to be interesting enough to be realistic but mysterious enough for the reader to be excited to read the next page wondering how they will react or what they'll do! So today, I came back to my story, this time starting with chapter one. I have a good start at filling in the details around the "big ticket items" that make them stand out - and give my...