Kathy Smith kicks my butt...always!!!

My assumptions were correct. Kathy Smith workouts have ability to keep me focused, moving, and encouraged. Today is Day 1. I've made some good habits over the last 3 months, one being just getting out and walking my neighborhood. Kathys first workout was just walking. So I put the two together and....

....aye yi yi I'm feeling it! From one 40-minute walking workout. I couldn't even finish my 3 miles and had to cut my route short. That's a good marker for a good workout and a good way to check progress. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's workout and can't wait to do this one again, which is scheduled for next Wednesday. It's a 1 week cycle over 2 weeks (1st 7 workouts repeated a second week). I'm tracking my process but what inches or weight I'm down I'll post at the end of the 2 weeks. I'll hold off on posting my starting "dimensions" for now.

But it's lunch and then work from home time now. 

Again, I hope you find something to do today that's positive or if you are having a hard day can think of something positive in your life and focus on that. That is my challenge to whoever reads this whenever you do.

Lots of love,
Tiffany 💋


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