Wine "Stash", and this blog is becoming my wine blog!

I think I've already said it plenty of times but....I'm going on vacation next week! Woo Hoo! It says nothing about my job - just that it is a good time to be taking a break. There are a lot of things that I have to keep close to my vest because I'm still in deciding mode. However, just know that 2022 will be a year of many changes for me....GOOD changes! Thank you, God! So very, very thankful.

I know those changes won't come without some challenges, struggles, hardships, but its all part of the process - and I'm ready for it! ALL of them. I recently made a few decisions and though I don't want to spread myself thin, I need to pursue them. I've gotten the words internally, too, that tell me that I will be able to balance it - so through God finally speaking to me (He'd been silent for quiet awhile) I know that I will be ok. But there are still some big decisions to be made so until I can decide those things, I'm keeping all of my future projects close to my vest...and yes, one of them has to do with writing, wine, and fiction.

But for now, let's talk about wine, shall we? I have a problem - a W.I.N.E. problem. It's not the wine itself - I BARELY drink any at home, seriously. But I have a STASH for my little room and my little life. I'm back to having almost 30 bottles...I keep forgetting to include the bottles that are weird-shaped and don't fit in my 23-bottle wine rack. Oops! At one point, I had 44!!! I don't have space for 44....and I don't have a proper way to store them all. I won't have a proper way until I have my own place with a wine fridge or cool area of the apartment/home. So I need to sometimes give away wine to my friends and family. I'm taking at least 4 bottles to Oregon with me. And I'm taking another few to family when I pass through. Anyone else want wine?

Over the last few days I've come to realize I have a few bottles that would age well - but I don't have space to age them. This is something that I'd like to do - one day. I'm planning for that day to be in the next two years so the good wine I buy can be enjoyed by me and not have to give away! Don't fret though; I do keep my most favorite bottles for myself. The problem now is that almost all of them are my favorite! I'll say one is getting my Peju The Experiment, my Calera Pinot Noir Jensen Vineyard, or my EmmaLily Laura's Love and Vingolo. Those are mine to enjoy or with a special dinner party.

I anticipate giving away about 8 bottles over my vacation between family and friends. That will get me to a workable place. And then I need to make sure I don't buy any wine if it will go past my 23 bottle wine rack. I just can't do that anymore. I enjoy my wine but I'm giving away most of what I'm buying.

Then again, it's nice to have a nice gift at my disposal to people I know appreciate wine - any kind of wine. I may not be like a few family members who can enjoy the best (and most expensive wines out there like Opus One, Scarecrow, Williams Selyem, etc) but I have found some great wines on their levels (depending on your palate) or just below it. So I guess that its okay, right?

Anyway, I'm realizing that this blog is becoming a wine blog - and maybe that's it eventual intention but its still early yet to determine. What I do know is that I found something outside of ballroom dancing to be excited about. I truly enjoy the experience you can have at a winery. Its great to sit and enjoy and be at peace with most experiences. I meet random, wonderful people and it fulfills my desire to share what I love with others, and to quench my thirst to be around and meet people. For though I think I'm an introvert with extrovert tendencies, I still enjoy meeting new people.

So for next Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, I'll be totally in my element enjoying the things I love. I'm happy to be on my own, but if anyone is in Paso Robles any of those days, please don't hesitate to let me know. I wouldn't mind you "crashing" my vacation - it would be a fun addition.

Anyway, have a great week, y'all!

Lots of love,

Tiffany 💋


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