Making Progress, and moving forward...

I know those seem like the same but they have to do with 2 separate things for me right now.

First, making progress means that today, I've filled the majority of the "big ticket items" in the first 9 chapters of my book. I "put it down" - this novel writing -  for about a week to let my mind wrap around a few ideas before I set them in stone. This first novel (whether it ever gets published or not) is a mystery and I have to make sure I don't have too little or too many clues involved - and I also have to make sure ALL my characters are believable with the right amount of flaws in each one. They have to be interesting enough to be realistic but mysterious enough for the reader to be excited to read the next page wondering how they will react or what they'll do!

So today, I came back to my story, this time starting with chapter one. I have a good start at filling in the details around the "big ticket items" that make them stand out - and give my readers the foundation for the story so it will hold up for them. Hopefully, by the time I'm done with these first nine chapters, this book will be at least 75 pages long. Because for some reason, I want to finish this story in 18 chapters and under 200 pages. Chapter 10 is when the biggest climax of the story happens - outside of the conclusion, of course.

I realized that I don't want an uber long mystery. I don't want it to take days for someone to read or listen to. I want it to be fast - but with good visual details and themes that keep the reader guessing. So basically I want it to be perfect and not use up millions of trees. My ideal would be that this would be more in the line of Carolyne Keene's Nancy Drew books which are only about 190 pages. Though my favorite author is Agatha Christie, Carolyn Keene is a close second, and Robert Ludlum (the creator of Jason Bourne - and no offense to Matt Damon because he did a good job, but the books really ARE SO MUCH BETTER!) rounds out my top 3. 

Moving forward for me means not bringing negative energy into my life from now in the future, and keeping all these better habits consistent and improving. There are so many things I'm doing that I have not shared (and I won't because they are personal or wouldn't mean anything of value to others but do to me) but a few I have and will mention again here. The first of which is my daily walk. I'd like to increase it to 5 miles by next March but it takes already 45 minutes to an hour to walk 3 miles. As I go back to work, my time is getting less open so I'm not sure how that will work since I will need more than an hour and a half to walk 5 miles (running is out of the question since my lower back does not like it - but I can control how I step when I walk so walking it is). But its something that really does set a positive tone for my day. 

Then whether while walking or just at some point, I have been listening to leadership, positive learning, or encouraging podcasts or audible books. That has helped as well - and has been in addition to daily Bible verses or readings. In this time of Covid-19, I've been able to read 6 books, taken part of an online book club, and connected with international friends for a virtual Bible study. It has been so good for this social butterfly heart.

But I've also been able to balance my social desires with my inner need for solitude. I NEVER thought I would be in this space. There was so much of my life that I found identity of being part of the people around me - and would even cry when people left my place or I'd go home after an event with friends because I'd feel so lonely! I'm so glad I have balance now - and this time of quarantine has shown me what a blessing it is that God has worked to make me content whether I'm with people or by myself. 

So to some people, this Covid-19 has been such a negative and has created so much drama. I have had drama around me but I have gained so much knowledge, perspective, and appreciation for what I have and who I am. And I've closed off avenues of negativity or energy-sucking situations from my life. The extra time off work gave me more than what I thought I needed stress-relief; and by extension helped me to let go of things I couldn't control but was letting affect me. Though we are only back to work 3 days a week and still can't have students in the studio, I'm back very much relaxed and open to this new normal for our business. After 18 years of teaching dance professionally, I had to learn how to teach in a completely different way and really get out of my comfort zone. 

I'm so much better for all of it. I haven't lost anything through all of what's gone on in the world and our country in the last four months - I've gained a better mindset, come to terms with my nievity, and found new better perspectives that will help me help others now and in the future.

I hope you've had a great Monday and are excited for each day of the week - no matter what it may bring. 

Lots of love,
Tiffany 💋


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