What a difference a week makes, and living with Mr. No Common Sense
Last week, about this time, I was wondering where I was really going. You don't make huge life decisions while emotional; nor should you make them when you are unsure of your current circumstances. The few of you who have read this know that I think I'm truly in a mid-life phase - and I would now venture to call it more of a pruning, but I'll explain that later. To set up what I want to share today I have to go back two summers. I returned to Indiana for the first time in the seven years since I left it in June 2019. I was able to get some needed relaxation for a lower cost than any vacation I could've taken and I was able to see some of the best people on this planet - my friends! It was such a fun trip - but I left Indiana knowing that I wasn't interested in moving back. You see, I was literally afraid that if I visited I would want to go back - and though I didn't want to move again, I also was growing very tired of California and my life here. That trip thou...