All about football, and what is moving forward?

The more I think about it, the more I know that we almost beat ourselves, vs the Cowboys almost beat us. Don't get me wrong; I think the Cowboys are a good team - but our game plan shut them down in the first half. That was evident. However, a team like that is gonna be scrappy in a playoff game in their own stadium, and we had two big defensive mistakes, an offensive mistake and two offensive missed opportunities to help them fight back. That allowed the Cowboys life and back in the game. Then their QB and center made a huge mistake.
In conclusion, Shanahan & Ryan's game plan was better than McCarthy and Quinn. That should've been a 38-3 game, Niners. Instead, it was a 23-17, Niners. Those five Niner mistakes made that difference. They can't do that next week in Green Bay. However, since I need to dream right now, I'm looking at a Buc/Niners or total NFC West championship game. I mean, wouldn't that be the coolest??? Jimmy G vs Brady, or Brady vs. Bosa, Warner and co.? Or Both teams from NFC West play for the Super Bowl rights??? I mean, those are BETTER stories than even anything GB or TB could offer. 
Since I'm dreaming right now...What should my dreams be for the future? Do I need to simplify and just go back to the basics? This week I'm learning all about the symptoms. It's why I knew to stay home this weekend. Otherwise, I felt good Friday; more myself than in a very long while. I could've said yes but I learned to say no. Today, my lesson is helping me understand when to say yes and to be discerning on where I say those yeses. 
Today and for now, I need to say yes to learning EVERYTHING about being an admin in my business. I know LOTS of things, but I don't know EVERYTHING. Anything I learn and get good at in this area of my job will only help me be a better leader in the future. So, that's my goal/focus, for now, at work.
For the rest of my life, ill always be missing the only other person that shares my parents DNA exclusively. 💔 I really, really miss him. So my future, whatever that will be, will honor him in some way. Right now, it's to work hard, smart and focused on being the best I can be at this moment.
Lots of love,
Tiffany 💋 


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