When you know, when you don't

I've reflected today about some current life situations...from a family member in the hospital, and family friends hospitalized, too, to my upcoming surgery. What it all themed out to be is what you feel/think/know about something and when you don't. 

Example: I know my feet and my ankles are bad; I know my bunions have been getting worse and causing damage;
 I know that teaching full-time again aggravated them. I also know that your mindset is important, and this was something that you can live with for awhile. 

Until it got too bad and I decided to have x-rays again. But I didn't expect to see what I did. I'm not sure why I don't feel even worse, why my foot doesn't collapse on me. My big toe joints aren't attached!

Ah, there it is. The change of mindset after a visual representation of something bad. I'm in it.

But I'm in luck. I have a day that makes me see and be positive. I have about 150 heats to dance tomorrow. I have a built-in mindset changer for a time that I'm truly nervous about something. Real genuine nerves. But tomorrow, I have a reason to forget about it, to push it out. 18 hours.

I hope you learn to be able to change your mindset. Sometimes YOU make all the difference.

Lots of Love,
Tiffany 💋 


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