I've had enough, and give up what you can't control
I've got a week coming up. Lots of uncertainties I can't control. Daily I give them up to God because otherwise I'd make myself crazy. I blog, too, to get out of my head, release then I post the link on Facebook. Sometimes two people view it, sometimes 20 do. Doesn't matter.
But what does matter is that every time I go to Facebook or even Instagram now, it's all about people being mean to each other. People I know, or at least know enough to be friends on Facebook, etc., being mean to each other. It's all about being hateful if someone doesn't have the same political views, vaccine views, etc, and I've had enough! I've snoozed so many "friends" because they're using Facebook to force their political views or vax/anti-vax views, or having disagreements on facebook that should be private.
And yet I'm a bit of a hypocrite because I should just quit all the apps. I don't because I like seeing the good things in people's lives...some big ones like getting married, or having kids, etc, of friends that I had 10, 15, 20 years ago that I can't hang out with/be part of their lives anymore because of distance and falling out of touch, or growing in different ways or importance in each other's lives.
But in between those posts are a growing number of negative posts. People being ugly to each other. We all make mistakes. We all post something we shouldn't out of emotions, but creating drama with our lives and dislikes is just driving me nuts.
I know I still have a bit of an unhealthy desire to be seen vs a healthy desire to share what I can to help people. That's how I fight myself daily on if I should shut down facebook/instagram or not. The good vs the bad. The need to be seen and remembered vs the desire to help people.
I'm just certain of one thing: stop being ugly to each other because of differing political views or vaccination views, or any other topic. Be nice to each other. It's OK to joke with each other, but don't be mean. I'm just getting so tired and sad with it all.
Ok, I've said my piece.
On another note, Thursday is the day I find out if I'm a go for surgery and when. My foot has now 3 additional lumps around the bunion/joint area. And my two toes are more tender. I can't let them get worse, though I am not looking forward to surgery. The bonus is the thought that my mom will be here to help, and I'll have straight toes/no bunion/less pain/less potential problems of mobility when I'm older, and hopefully get up on the balls of my feet again consistently and with strength - a much needed ability for success in my career of teaching students. There's always risks, too, but I can't let those deter me. Not anymore.
But now it's time to get up, stretch and get my feet moving to be ready for the day.
Be kind to someone today - even if you aren't one of the ones who disagree on facebook. Everyone just needs to find reasons to be kind daily, vs reasons to argue.
Lots of love,
Tiffany 💋
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