Memorizing/Speaking aloud vs writing, and recovery.

Right now, I'm close to having verses 14 and 15 memorized. But I just tested myself by writing it out. Almost perfect the first time! Why is it that writing something down is so much easier for me than speaking it aloud! It took me a tenth of the time to speak it vs write it. My gift is surely not public speaking. I have struggled in all our all-star tests because of this. I stay positive but I know if I can write it, I'd get the highest marks! But that isn't what those tests are for; so I've learned to use them to improve, even just 1%, my speaking ability in public. 

My body is still in recovery mode, and that's good. Not good that I still have aches and pains - new ones - but I know that my body is actively healing. I also got 8.5 hours of sleep last night, when my average is 5-6. 7hrs are good days. But in those 8.5 hours, I did not get up once! Not even to go to the bathroom or feel my feet cramping! I was knocked out truly. I'd only taken 1 ibuprofen at 7:30ish. I had to, I was feeling it by then and trying my best not to limp. Tango was not my friend yesterday, or maybe it was. It told me a part of my back and ribs were ailing more than I thought. But I slept soundly this morning, and I'll test my body with Tango in my third lesson today. 
Anyway, it's time to finish getting ready, and do another set of stretches. I'm truly still sore but it's a better sore than before. I'll be good by Sunday! Ha! (Sunday is our big Medal Ball event, good timing, huh?)

I hope you have a painless, and joy-full Wednesday!

Lots of love,
Tiffany 💋


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