Family, and my health

Thursday was the beginning of the end for my Uncle David. He has had major health issues for many years, could barely eat, and lost his 19 year old daughter 4 years ago in a car accident, so heartbreak has also been part of his life. After his two surviving sons were able to see him Sunday late afternoon, they signed papers to take him off the ventilator. Shortly after, at 5:51 p.m., he passed peacefully and comfortably.

I'm sharing this with you because family, no matter how close or far - whether in physical distance or in relationship - is so important. There is a saying: "You can't choose who you are related to but you can choose your family." Yes, we can make anybody our family, but God gave you people to be related to for many purposes both good and bad. Truly, that saying is lacking. I'm growing to hate it - because it allows us to throw people away so non-chalantly. Do I feel a need to distance myself from certain people in my life at times? Yes.  Should I throw those people away? No. 

It goes,, too,, for those we may not have bonded with due to just different lives.. I'm not super close with my cousins but I love them. They just lost their dad and their sister. I can't imagine that. I know I'll experience it one day but I'm thankful it's not yet.

It's important that we stay away from those who affect our physical and mental health - but not everyone of those people should be cut out. We need to take care of ourselves, including letting go of those bad feelings. You MUST work through them and then LET THEM GO. Otherwise, your healing doesn't finish, it doesn't work. Once you let it go, you find peace and grace and forgiveness - all of these for yourself and for the others, too! It's a much better life to live - and it repairs that broken relationship.

I spent Sunday with my family, knowing it would happen soon. I really couldn't help much but I was there if needed. I wished I could do more but everything was out of my control, so I was present to support and listen, and thats the best I could do for them in that moment.

On another note, I'm preparing for my foot surgery in multiple ways, but this week I started with my health. I like sweet lemon things and lemonade but lemon water? Yuck!😝 Today though, after extensive research, I am starting my day with lemon water, then coffee and breakfast. It's not going to be a quick fix but I know it will only help my body. 

I need to lose weight and up the ante in what I'm eating. I've eaten a TON more veggies in my diet, and am eating about 3 salads a week but I still need to wean some things out of my diet. My foot will be elevated for 2 weeks, and at least the first week I'm supposed to limit my movement to the bathroom, and that's it. Sooo, I have to figure out a very different diet, and one that will help me heal, my muscles not atrophy, and not gain weight at the same time. Right now, my best options are a cleanse or liquid/soup-heavy diet, with a few solid proteins. But I need to start it now so it's not such a shock to my body. I'm hoping to make a few freezer-friendly meals so my mom doesn't have to use the kitchen much in the first week. This is my research focus for this week. I'm not expecting to lose weight but if I do, it'll be a plus. 

I just need my body- my foot especially - to heal properly, feel better than before and in the shortest amount of time possible. It's also clear, I can't put any of this off - barring what the blood test reveals. My big toe may be showing bursitis in the joints. That's what those three other "growths" may be so my foot is telling me it needs to be fixed.

Anyway, I'm still a little down today. My heart is with my family and praying for the right decisions to be made, and for healing to begin. I have a job though that allows me to be a light, even in my darkness. I'm thankful for that today.

Lots of love,
Tiffany 💋 


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