Changing up my health plans and 1 more chapter...

Today is day 2 in 2 new health endeavors, and the third is day 22 (well, since I started it but not everyday). Lets go backwards and start with number 3 (though the numbers 1 & 2 are what prompted me to write this blog).

About 3 weeks ago, I started a morning breathing routine. You can call it yoga but its really just 11-12 minutes of breathing in very simple, focused positions - no crazy poses, downward dogs, warriors, etc. Just the floor, against the wall, seating crossed legged. That's it. And it changed my daily thoughts a bit. It has helped center me more for what the day brings me. And if I do it at night, it helps me sleep. But I've found that I live in a house that is not conducive daily to this practice. I need to find the right time to do it so I haven't been consistent enough. Thats my goal for the next month - establish consistency of this early morning wake up reset. 
My second health goal is to figure out my eating issue of coughing with almost every bite - and I may have already come to the conclusion that it may not be my post nasal forever drip. Instead, it is looking very much like acid reflux. For the first time in over a year, I ate every meal yesterday WITHOUT COUGHING! Could this really be that simple? One day of Nexium and I can eat normal again??? I know its too early to diagnose myself but I am very thankful for two chemist friends who work in pharmaceuticals to guide me in a safe way to figure some of this out - since its hard to get into my dr now (not until Jan 22). Its a 2 week bottle so I can see good results. I'll keep you posted. 
But 1st, I need to figure out my digestive and weight issues this year. Its just not right, even if I eat well or take probiotics, which I do now in pill form (of which I hate). So I've done about 3 months of my own research. Yes, that long. I started researching a few things and "fad" diets, etc. You name it, keto, Adkins, south beach (which I've done before), Mediterranean diet, that apple cider vinegar one, goli, noom, etc. And what I came to decide on is to 1) find a nutritionist that can help guide me in my specific needs but until then balance my gut. I hate taking lots of pills, and I want to find something to help me as naturally as possible. So I found a supplement drink that has the four things I know I need in my diet: probiotics, prebiotics, power greens and milk thistle. I was taking a probiotic and had been recommended to take milk thistle before a few times. But I needed to do my homework. So I did. And I'm not a "greens" fan so I've chosen to add this all natural, vegan supplement that has all of them and will see its effects after 30 days. Along with this I'm controlling the ingredients that go into my body by going back to cooking more, and prepping meals. I'll keep you posted and reveal the supplement when I have my results.
But I've already done those three things today (breathing, supplement, necium) so my last goal - and most time consuming one - is writing my next chapter. I'm close but my mind is trying to make sure its a good path - and not a confusing one - to get to my stories resolution.
Have a blessed day and I hope its a healthy one - in whatever way you need.
Lots of love, 
Tiffany 💋


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