
Showing posts from July, 2020

Halfway today and pivoting

What a new normal! But also, its the same. I still teach but its just through a computer scrern with a mask on. Its a "pivot" we had to make, and its one that only makes us all better.  Pivoting. Pivot. Words that are currently a part of my vocabulary. Sometimes things happen and we have to change something - about us, about our work, about our priorities, etc - but most people hate change. In fact, they'd rather stay in the same bad patterns than do the work to break them - and yet they'll complain. I don't want to be one of those people. No excuses, no staying in the same place. I cant control what others do around me but I can control what I do. So im learning to pivot at work - and if you see me spending less time posting anything negative, spending time less with negative people or organizations, its because its time for me to be who I am and thats a fun, optimistic person. Period. I fully know im imperfect, but if im going to be a better person, letting the ...

Sunday "Fun"day

Today was a really good day - and I'm including 2 incidents that were unfortunate but they had to do with the wrong things sent to me so its not of consequence to post about.  So, you know why it was a really good day? I spent most of it in Bible study or zooming friends. That was my Funday. I'm relaxed, I'm thankful, I'm content. Though I have technically one more day for my weekend, Im trying to focus on Sunday still being the end of my weekend. Though Monday I don't go into the studio, its still my work from home day. I'll check up on our TIs then work on my writing or doing research for other projects. So today was a good day.  My weekend as a whole was also good. Im filtering into a part of my life I closed off. But I also believe that God will make things happen at the right time. I can't control His timing but I can be available now. Yes, Im being vague because no I don't share this part of my life with many until there's something real. But I...


That's what today is for me. Truly, today I RESET this year. I began by taking a short walk (to Starbucks and back is 1.4 miles) to begin my first day of the first week that I am working (almost) our new schedule. Our new schedule is 4 days and I'm working 8 hours the majority of 4 days. We are still only working half day Fridays, but as we pick up virtual lessons that will change.  So this week, I'm working a 4-day week for the first time since March 16, 2020. Oh what a year its been so far, huh? But, truly (theres that word again), I think we've all needed to RESET in some way. Even our world needed a reset - and it got what it needed in my opinion. To see the landscape clear so drastically, then see the reappearance of the dirty sky as we started to go to work again - its just mind-blowing how just a few weeks gave us such clear skies and a resurgence of nature around us! A definite sign that we can do better to help this planet. A reason that we need to reset some o...


That's what I just paid that was leftover after I booked a flight to San Diego with my voucher. In the post on Facebook about it, I asked good or bad? Most would go to bad, and tell me not to go. But really it seems good to me. You see, though I've been a non-essential and was literally in my house/neighborhood for 3 months, I experienced personal positives instead of negatives. Some around me experienced negatives, but I actually experienced positives.  Its not out of the question that despite what 2020 has thrown at us, that I will come out of it positively. The time sheltering in place may have been what we ALL needed to make the right changes in life and/or finally follow through on the changes that we need to make. I've seen people even go in pattern after pattern and only get to a point that "feels better," then they stop - and the process just starts over again. No follow through. I know that because I do it, too. But now I'm aware of it and I'm fol...

Down but not out...

So about midway through the day yesterday, my back gave out. Literally. I'd done some house cleaning and wasn't paying attention to what my body was telling me. Here are my "excuses": Since about 2 weeks before the beginning of quarantine, I had established a healthier exercise routine. A small one but one nonetheless. Then quarantine happened and all I had was time. But knowing myself, I would need to do something outside to stave off what I already knew would be a "longer than what they were saying" time of sheltering in place. Hence, I started walking. About a month in I had worked up to being able to walk 3 miles before I knew I needed to stop. Then some stiff in my personal life happened and I was watching my phone for calls to help people in my life and not focused on my walks really. They became an after thought or way shorter. As things settled though, I got back to my daily walks and then added more consistent 20-30minute exercising daily. Then I up...