Halfway today and pivoting
What a new normal! But also, its the same. I still teach but its just through a computer scrern with a mask on. Its a "pivot" we had to make, and its one that only makes us all better. Pivoting. Pivot. Words that are currently a part of my vocabulary. Sometimes things happen and we have to change something - about us, about our work, about our priorities, etc - but most people hate change. In fact, they'd rather stay in the same bad patterns than do the work to break them - and yet they'll complain. I don't want to be one of those people. No excuses, no staying in the same place. I cant control what others do around me but I can control what I do. So im learning to pivot at work - and if you see me spending less time posting anything negative, spending time less with negative people or organizations, its because its time for me to be who I am and thats a fun, optimistic person. Period. I fully know im imperfect, but if im going to be a better person, letting the ...