Taking Action

What makes you take action on something? Its a good question for all of us. We all have something in us that is awakened to propel us to do something about something - when the day before we might not have even thought to lift a finger. But what is that thing? What is our individual "prompt" that makes us actually take action? Is it anger or desire or determination or harsh words from someone or a thoughtful conversation with someone or, or, or...???

I know our prompts are different from someone else's, and it can vary from situation to situation. But the one I'm finding most often during this time of Covid-19 is that of anger. It is all around me right now. I'm doing my best to diffuse it - but when you are dealing with differing perspectives, its a landmine to carefully walk through. Not just a thin line but a land mine!

But it is an emotion that is valid - not taken too far, of course. Its okay to be angry. Its ok to seek a way to vent and that way can be anger. But it has to be productive. One person today is being productive on something they are angered about. They are taking action. Granted I'm personally worried that they lash out in the wrong way and it not be productive but I know that I can do nothing to help that. I've given that to God so whatever is said or done is productive. Anyway, something is being done and that's what matters.

Personally, I worry a lot about how I'm perceived - especially now that I'm not working due to being non-essential. I know that there are people in my life who don't approve of what I chose to do for a living. I know that some of them are questioning why I haven't gotten an essential job during this and scrapped my chosen career. Even though I'm pursuing online copywriting jobs and other avenues that allow me to bring in supplemental income even when I go back to work (income that I may or may not need), I know that some are still thinking that isn't enough because my career is not "a real one," as someone once put it. Right now, if I listened to that, I would be curled up in the fetal position and depressed beyond measure.

But I'm not. I have confidence in who I am and what I do and the decisions I make - and I've learned through real life experiences, wisdom from my elders, and counseling from professionals and friends alike. I also have an open mind to continue to seek wisdom and change my mind if its needed. But that does not happen unless its Godly advice and a lesson from Him because He never leads me astray - and those who don't know His wisdom don't lead me in the right paths.

My Why of why I get out of bed everyday is to "Be the best version of myself to use my gifts in order to help others the best way I can" - and its partly the reason that I've chosen my career path. That is my Why - and its been upgraded or revised to this due to Covid-19. I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR THAT! I had been struggling with work, with my career, with my personal life, with some relationships - simply put, I was really lost. But I've been able to re-prioritize my entire being because of this time. I'm not done with the following (and I'll truly never be if I want to be my best) but I've cleared out some of the negative things, negative actions that were holding me back from living my Why (to understand what I mean about my Why and why I capitalize it, seek out Simon Sinek and his books including Start with Why and Find Your Why). During this time that I have no control over the length, I'm putting things in place and beginning things to move forward in applying my Why much better than I ever have.

Honestly, that is still being an Arthur Murray Dance Instructor and maybe (if the job is still mine) the New Student Director for Arthur Murray Los Gatos. But it also includes writing again and sharing that gift both in blog-style and in my fiction stories - and who is to say that maybe I'm commissioned to do a biography or research project some day. I'm also open-minded to being led away to pursuing my Why in another career altogether - but right now that is not what God has asked me to do but He has asked me to be open and ready. When that day comes, I know it will be at a time that is perfect for me to move on and leave those around me in a good place.

I also know that the things I'm pursuing - or taking action as the title of this blog implies - take time to come to fruition. I've had one online interview and am what they called on a list for "future" projects beginning in September and are "excited" for my help "potentially" (what does that even mean??? In my mind for now its a nice way to say no).  I haven't heard from others yet but writing is very subjective and I'll have to find the right place to get my foot in the door. It is truly like finding a needle in a haystack and you have to be ready to take a lot of rejection before you find the right fit. I'm ready and willing to do that now - so bring it on! Throw those punches! I can take them! Ha Ha!

I'm glad I have a sense of humor - even if its awkward at times. I like me - and that's the only thing that matters. I hope you all have a good day. I have no idea if any of these blog entries inspire you, make you laugh, make you shake your head at me, or make you think a little but I hope they at least give you a positive escape for the time that it takes to read them. Lots of love, Tiffany


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